Head of Kayak

Lina Lydvo



White water kayaking is one of the most captivating as well as physically demanding sports around the world. The river can be so engaging that you must remind yourself to look up and take the stunning surroundings.

Kayaking in Voss

Everyone from beginners to experts can enjoy kayaking here at Voss. Kayaking is a versatile sport that can be done in practically any body of water and is easily paired with other activities. Whether you’re looking to take on an epic challenge with one of our competitions or you’re looking to get a low-impact workout, Ekstremsportveko has something to offer everyone. The beginner-friendliness and the epic challenges are a few of the reasons people come to Ekstremsportveko.

We also encourage you to visit our Veko Carpooling FB group, it is more social, taking better care of the environment and maybe your transportation logistics gets easier.